Slow exporting to airolib-ng format

People have been asking why exporting to an airolib-ng database is so slow. Don’t expect things to change dramatically on that side…

SQLite databases provide ACID-compliance on the row-level; this creates a lot of overhead which causes lots of disk-seeks. In turn sqlite’s performance for this specific use is quite bad. Pyrit’s own datastore (the ‘blobspace’) provides no atomicity, *some* consistency, *some* isolation and no durability. We can easily live with that as the cost of providing all those idioms is much higher than the expected rate of failure mulitplied by the cost to re-compute some workunits.

Also be aware that airolib-ng databases create a huge overhead in terms of storage and is easily three times the size of the original blobspace.


  1. You might find this useful to speed up sqlite related stuff.

  2. SQLite has it’s own fsync-killswitch. See the documentation “PRAGMA synchronous = OFF”.

  3. I wrote this patch to make cowpatty as good in the area of handshake detection as aircrack-ng. So now there is little need for aircrack-ng with pyrit.

    It adds a -n option to use the new mode. In that for one situation cowpatty’s original method is better. I call the mode, non-strict, as in non-strict about handshake detection.

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